The Philie Group Blog


So …You Want to Sell Your Printing Business

So …You Want to Sell Your Printing Business

When the waiter walks by your table in the restaurant, you raise your hand slightly to indicate that it’s time for the check because it’s time to go. If you are considering raising your hand and selling your business, let’s review some of the things that you can work...

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A Parallel Path to Client Acquisition

A Parallel Path to Client Acquisition

A while back I asked if it was time to re-think the structure of your sales and client facing teams. Maybe you’ve had some reservations about how to make the transition. If you’re like many printing company owners, you’ve got an experienced group of sales folks who’ve...

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Manage Your Cash, or It will Manage You

Manage Your Cash, or It will Manage You

Companies typically don’t go out of business because they lose money in a month, or a quarter, or for the year. They go out of business because they run out of cash. It can just as easily happen to those companies who are making a profit. These operators sometimes...

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Move Out of Your Comfort Zone

Move Out of Your Comfort Zone

When you watch top athletes perform, they always look cool, calm, and collected. You might say they make things look easy. What we don’t see is the work that they put into their years of training and practice sessions. That work is designed to take them beyond their...

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