When companies are busy and short staffed, tempers can be short. While these conditions are often temporary, what matters is that everyone remembers that they all are wearing the same company logo – the same jerseys. Every department is like a unit on the field. Some...
The Philie Group Blog
Embracing Change and Innovation Is No Longer an Option
The printing industry, once a symbol of tradition and stability, continues to change with seismic shifts driven by technological advancements and changing customer preferences. In this rapidly evolving landscape, embracing change and innovation is no longer a choice;...
How to Identify Emerging Leaders, Part Two
The opportunity that you have as a leader is to help recognize the potential in your emerging leaders and to provide a pathway for their development. These could be junior staff members, department managers, or team leads. Empowering them is crucial for their growth,...
Four Tactics to Achieve Operational Excellence for Your Printing Company
The printing industry continues to evolve, with technology advancements, changing customer preferences, and economic fluctuations reshaping the landscape. To thrive in this sector, achieving operational excellence is crucial for printing companies. What is operational...
Move Out of Your Comfort Zone
When you watch top athletes perform, they always look cool, calm, and collected. You might say they make things look easy. What we don’t see is the work that they put into their years of training and practice sessions. That work is designed to take them beyond their...
Thrive and Gain Insight Through Peer Groups
Being a member of a peer group is hard work. These groups are not for the thin skinned. For them to work, each member must be honest about their business and be prepared to give as much as they get. As Rocky Balboa once said, “The world ain’t all sunshine and...