The good news is that your business is growing. The bad news is that you’re short staffed. Finding good applicants has never faced headwinds like it does today. I hear it every day, people don’t apply for your openings, or when they do, they don’t show up for the interview. I previously wrote about recruiting and making your company the employer of choice, a quick read on this subject might also be helpful. On occasion though, you get lucky and find and hire a new staff member — congratulations. Now what?
You are in a battle for talent these days, so create a plan for their success. It’s hard enough to find good people, make sure that you have a plan to keep them. The first 90-100 days of employment are very important in leading this person to success within your organization. The position doesn’t matter. Whether they are the lowest paid member of your team, or your right hand person, creating a plan for their first few months in the position is the right thing to do.
Your onboarding plan should include objectives and action plans for the first day, the first week, and the first 30, 60 and 90 days. This map can outline the expectations you have for the new staff member, and equally as important, the expectations for those who have the responsibility to train and orient the new person. Go over this plan with the new employee and let them know that you are pulling for their success. After a review of the plan, ask them, “How will we both know whether or not this is working?” The mutually agreed responses can form the outline of your post hire check-ins and development time with the person.
Beyond the human resources paperwork, don’t overlook the basics. Where they should park, expected hours, where they will work and introductions to their peers and key staff members. And don’t forget a list of staff members and contact information. Make sure that they feel part of the team as soon as possible. For those that you have initial doubts about, why did you hire them in the first place?
Some companies assign a mentor, or work buddy on that first day. This is usually a trusted peer that enjoys sharing and teaching. Often the new employee won’t ask their supervisor the “dumb questions.” But, they’ll ask their mentor and sometimes those are the most important questions that get asked.
As a senior leader, follow up with the new staff member check-ins. You’ve already let them know that reviews will happen and the goal is to make sure the onboarding is on track. There’s a lot to finding and keeping good employees, and this is only one part of it. Make sure that your onboarding plan is sound and that you follow through with it.
Work at it, it’s a process to make hiring and retaining the best people easier (I said easier, not easy). Good luck and have fun.
Mike Philie can help validate what’s working and what may need to change in your business. Changing the trajectory of a business is difficult to do while simultaneously operating the core competencies. Mike provides strategy and insight to owners and CEOs in the Graphic Communications Industry by providing direct and realistic assessments, not being afraid to voice the unpopular opinion and helping leaders navigate change through a common sense and practical approach. Learn more at, LinkedIn or email at
Originally published in Printing Impressions.