Philie Group Blog

Build Your Leadership Team for Continued Growth and Sanity
By Mike Philie

Entrepreneurs have many things in common, regardless of the business they are in. They have a clear vision and are laser focused on achieving their objectives. They tend to think outside of the box (or envelope), and they are not concerned with coloring between the lines. They are making their own way and won’t be held back by those that say it can’t be done. Without these attributes, businesses don’t get started, or if they do, they don’t last long. Areas that they sometimes struggle with though, are how they expand the leadership responsibilities necessary to facilitate the growth and complexity of the business they created.

Many business owners that I speak with don’t think that they are large enough have a leadership team. The truth is, many of them already have many of the folks in place, they just aren’t all acting the part. Making your leadership team more effective begins with stating the obvious — the folks in this room are the leaders of this business. Now, work to identify what their roles and responsibilities are as they carry out this mission.

As the key concerns for the business leader evolve from making a profit in the early stages, to creating a sustainable business model, the structure of the organization needs to change as well. At some point, the visionary can no longer be all things to all people. There isn’t time, nor are they as effective in the day to day minutia as compared to providing the overall vision and direction for the business.

As you go down this path, you might ask yourself if you have the right people in place to really make this happen. That’s always a question that should be asked. And the follow up to that is, these are the folks that got you to where you are today, but can they also help you get to where you want to go? As you build out your team, there will be those that have the potential, but just aren’t there yet. These could be your shining stars that just need some coaching, encouragement, and direction. Invest in them. You may have others that yearn for how things used to be, and are reluctant to move forward. Be cautious in having them participate on this team.

Your commitment to developing the leadership team within your organization will be hard at first. But, the payback is that you’ll have a group of qualified and motivated leaders to help run the business. Everyone will be playing their position to the best of their ability. You’ll then be left with more time to work on the business, learning to see around corners, and taking your business to its fullest potential.

If you have any comments or thoughts as to how you’ve approached building your leadership team, please send me a note or include them below.

Mike Philie can help validate what’s working and what may need to change in your business. Changing the trajectory of a business is difficult to do while simultaneously operating the core competencies. Mike provides strategy and insight to owners and CEOs in the Graphic Communications Industry by providing direct and realistic advice, not being afraid to voice the unpopular opinion and helping leaders navigate change through a common sense and practical approach. Learn more at www.philiegroup.comLinkedIn or email at


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