The Philie Group Blog

Month: April 2020

Re-Start with New Goggles

Re-Start with New Goggles

Situation analysis is critical in establishing long-term relationships with customers and managing a sustainable business. Managers use it to analyze the internal and external environment of an organization and the firm's own capabilities, customers, and business...

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Prepare for the All-Clear: 4 Takeaways

Prepare for the All-Clear: 4 Takeaways

We are in a time of significant change, an inflection point like we’ve never seen before. Those businesses that endured 9/11 and the 2007-2008 recession learned a great deal about how to rebound from a crisis. Those lessons will be well-served today as they emerge...

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Rebuild From Your Strengths

Rebuild From Your Strengths

Times of crisis are defining moments for you and your business. Whether it is a threat, or an opportunity to rebuild, retool and rethink your business depends on each owners unique situation. No doubt the volatility can create a great deal of anxiety for even the...

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Customer Strategy for the Days Ahead

Customer Strategy for the Days Ahead

Where you are located and the demographics of your existing customer base largely determine the amount of print business you have during the current COVID-19 pandemic. The pain isn’t being evenly spread with some companies only mildly affected so far, while others...

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